
sunnuntai 5. helmikuuta 2017

There is no such a thing than a bad tattoo.

Honestly, I´ve have heard too many times "oh shit, it´s so expencive to take" situation while visiting in a tattoo shop. And every time it makes me think seriously. I always compare these situations for buying a car. With a minimum budget you will have one. Yes, it´s a car but I would never drive it. With a decent mount of cash the case is totally different. And you should already know that quality costs. I did have a huge laugh at the Fuck no bad tattoos blog. If you ever - ever think to have a tattoo in a basement, at the friends friend place or even in a mobile tattoo "studio" (never even knew these kind of things exist) have a five minutes and look what this blog can give you. Bitch please, I really hope you decide to spare your coins and have a decent backup cash in your credit card!

GO GO GO - The original bad tattoo tumblr

And if you still think that it´s a bullshit quality costs make sure you really know what you´re doing. It will last forever!
If you have a bad tattoo and want to share it with us comment below.. (I know, we need a link to it only because comments can´t be include pics, sadly) 

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