
maanantai 13. helmikuuta 2017

Life is all about giving and sharing..

Sometimes it is just to give. To give someone who need it most. And with this thought we humans could do so much more. But lucky us, there will always be people who are still willing to give their share for someone who need it. These might be old news, but I did find it just a few days ago. Actually I think I saw an post in facebook timeline about this, but couldn´t find it anymore. And these few days I kept those thoughts in my mind to live and tell a story. About better life. So, even if tattoo culture seems to has it tabu still, it´s not always just an art form. It might be something totally different to person who has a past with a scary, hard or difficult moment they want to erase. Hide under black, grey or color ink. To know and remember but not to seen anymore. Even if I talk a lot of about the art behind tattoos, its good to remind you about the real life sometimes. All stuff might not be as you see it. It can be much more. So go out and explore. Life is a book and you are in it.

Credit:, AP: Vadim Braydov

sunnuntai 5. helmikuuta 2017

There is no such a thing than a bad tattoo.

Honestly, I´ve have heard too many times "oh shit, it´s so expencive to take" situation while visiting in a tattoo shop. And every time it makes me think seriously. I always compare these situations for buying a car. With a minimum budget you will have one. Yes, it´s a car but I would never drive it. With a decent mount of cash the case is totally different. And you should already know that quality costs. I did have a huge laugh at the Fuck no bad tattoos blog. If you ever - ever think to have a tattoo in a basement, at the friends friend place or even in a mobile tattoo "studio" (never even knew these kind of things exist) have a five minutes and look what this blog can give you. Bitch please, I really hope you decide to spare your coins and have a decent backup cash in your credit card!

GO GO GO - The original bad tattoo tumblr

And if you still think that it´s a bullshit quality costs make sure you really know what you´re doing. It will last forever!
If you have a bad tattoo and want to share it with us comment below.. (I know, we need a link to it only because comments can´t be include pics, sadly) 

It´s time to take one up!

Mad! It was the first word I had deep in my mind. Just stunned! Sometimes, when you wonder around, you will meet people who are just something you have been looking for. Well, this time, sadly online, I did find something I could not believe to be true. You know, sometimes, some paintings, drawings and tattoos are so realistic you have to take a second look. You just do not believe your foggy eyes. Today this freaky thing happened to me. So I knew I have to bring this guy to you. So, lets have a look (I know this is not a mistake guys!)



Saga Anderson is an award winning tattoo artist based out of Calgary, Canada. Beginning his art career in 2011, he specializes in realism, focusing on large scale full saturation tattoos with photoreal, abstract, and painterly elements. He currently works out of Boss Tattoos, but frequently attends tattoo conventions and guest spots both across Canada and internationally. Updates on travel dates and bookings can be found on the Ink by Saga facebook and instagram pages.

Away from the tattoo shop Saga also specializes in fine art portraiture and realism, using prismacolor markers to create vivid and highly realistic lowbrow works. Over the past 4 years he has had several solo exhibitions, public art installations, and has been featured in numerous group shows in Calgary and Toronto. Please contact for information on commissions.

Consults are currently closed in Calgary, and only travel dates are open for tattoo bookings. To apply for the July 2016 consult wait list, please fill out the form below, and include name/city/tattoo idea/placement/relevant photos. Please note that new applications will not be reviewed until summer 2016, and Saga limits projects to custom photo-based large scale realism only, with a heavy emphasis on artistic freedom. (Copied from: Ink By Saga | SAGA (homepage))


So there. There a short bio behind of this name and face. I know. We are eager to see what his hands are capable to create. Don´t worry. It´s worth of time. Well, it´s worth of tons of your time and attention! Also, I just give you a few samples to judge. And if you don´t love - it´s not my fault you just can´t understand what is freaking awesomeness mad! (just kidding, it´s a taste we all have so different..). If you feel, leave a comment down there and tell me "what is your opinion about the skills of Saga Anderson?".

EDIT: There is way too much stuff and pics I would love to share. As we know it is just easier to go and google him or go and see his instagram. It is (also) MAD place >> GO, RUN, HURRY!

All pics down under in this post are owned by himself and can be found from his 
homepage and from his instagram. 


perjantai 3. helmikuuta 2017

Oh, she is the one!

Pic: Kat Von D, official Facebook page

The lady behind of all. Blame on her. The first memories about tattoos and how I did get involved is for sure thanks to her and the tv show Miami Ink and later on LA Ink. The talent I saw behind of these awesome tattoos which one were shown on the tv-show took my eye. I believe it was the biggest push on back to start following culture behind of tattoos. I must say, I have always found art close to me - even if my lack of talent concidering about drawing or.. well lack of talent in any form of art. But as you know, art will not exist if there isnt any viewers. So I believe I´m the one who is keeping art alive. As you might be too. So, it doesn´t mean you couldn´t be part of this only because you do not have talent in that space. 

I know. This is the short writing about how the hell I did fell in love with tattoos. Really short. All my tattoos have a story behind. So, to keep this one just to "let you know" type of post I won´t start to tell. About me much more. About my tattoos. About the story behind of them.  I just wanted to take a word to tell you about this awesome talent you must have heard many times before!

So, if I could ask you - what is your first memory of tattoo (and how did you find them) what would be your answer? Think about it. You can always comment down below and share it!

And in the end I find it suitable to share some places you should go and have a look. Also, I really recommended you to go and "follow" if you feel and can!

                                          The wonders of Facebook     Unicorn in Instagram