
torstai 29. kesäkuuta 2017


Sometimes, only rare reasons, you should think out of the box and more simple way than usually. I do agree - there is not so many small and fancy tattoos out there but does it matter what other think? In the end should you only think what is your opinion, your desires and just go with a flow. And yes, the most stupid thing someone could ever say to you is "what when you are old". Its like saying Don´t live now, be old and regret life you never lived.

So, I do like to put this small tattoo here. Just to show you that it has not always must be big and colorful. With full of details and beautiful lines with more than ten of different colors making it glow. Sometimes there is more meaning in a small tattoo than it is in full back / sleeve tattoo without any kind of memory or meaning. So if you do have a special moment happened along your life and you would love to tattoo it in your body, you could go like this one Give it a thought!


torstai 22. kesäkuuta 2017

The place you haven´t thought yet?

I wonder what would be the most painful place to take a tattoo? For me, armpits sounded horrible place to have one. And no, it was not as bad as I thought. But now - it seems to be a bit like fashion (As I have heard) to take one on your knee. Yes, I just think my "painful place to have a tattoo" just leveled up.

 - Actually I have no care of the pain I will suffer. I just want one right now!

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perjantai 16. kesäkuuta 2017

Just browsing after the movie.

Oh, sometimes what you have seen, what have u experiencing (experienced) or just what is up in your mind can lead you to browsing some weird stuff. Or something what is not your matter of taste.

As a tattoo lover I always keep my eyes open for new things. New desings and always try to keep my opinions neutral. Of course I can say what I would tattoo to my skin and what not, but when we talk about art and permanent decisions, only what matter is what the taker thinks. Its made to him/ her. What ever you are going to have only what matter is you to love it. 

Biomechanical is something im not sure if love it nor not. Its like wow, but would not suite to me. On the other hand it would be great to have some kind of suspension on my both legs to light my road. Absolutely fabulous idea. But as I wrote, maybe I need to love it before I should even consider to take one of that style. Make your own decision by watchig these two fabulous tattoo.. What do you think?