
perjantai 27. tammikuuta 2017

Fallen like a hero.

Some crazy masterpiece took my attention.. Such a talent. It´s all I can say. Check out this awesome back piece of wings. There is plenty of wings which can be really adorable. But this sick design made me think about why I do not have wings on my back yet?!

Made by: Daniel Bacz. Pls check out his mad instagram page and enjoy danielbacz!


maanantai 23. tammikuuta 2017

Facial tattoos. Criminal or just lover?

There is time after time you will see conversation about the facial tattoos and what they mean to people outside of your life. Most common argument is, of course, about his/her criminal background. But for me, in this modern world, facial tattoos not always mean a bad story about the past. Actually, some of the facial tattoos I have seen are pretty cool. They are not for everyone. They are not for every work environment (as you know, society has some crazy expectations) But for sure, its for people who just dont give a f*ck! Or just love the art of tattoos. Sometimes it´s just "do what you want". Not thinking about others, think about yourself and your desires. Life is way too sort for thinking about common opinions about something you feel fine. Fine and acceptable. So take a moment and think - what is your own opinion about facial tattoos..

Actually, after a while..

Lets take a moment and spread the love of art. I did recieve an email which one reminded me of this specific blog.. I would love to share their page with you guys, my readers, if you are still following me..

So take a moment and go wild: Banksy

Unohdettu mutta ei kuopattu!

Elämä kun vie joskus kirjoittajan mukanaan. Toisille teille, aavalle, laineille rantaviivan lähelle. Koska mieleeni palautui rakkaus kohtaan tatuointeja päätin kaivaa esiin tämän vanhan, mutta silti ja edelleen kovin ajankohtaisen blogin. Hullua kyllä, pääsin takaisin näppäimistöni ääreen ja onnekseni tunnukseni olivat säilyneet koskemattomina bittiavaruudessa. Joten herätellään rakkautta tatuointeihin kohtaan lyödään blogi uudelleen tulille. Tosin paremmalla ajalla ja paremmilla ajatuksilla!